December 9, 2008
It's day two of my Weight Watchers restart and things are going well so far.
I got my math exam back today, 92.5%! Woo.
I decided that I will be taking a math class over the summer to finally get math over and done with and the schedule is like this for it:
Monday/Wed/Thurs - 5:30-7:20
Ugh, I really don't want to go to school over the summer but I need to get it done with.
The Galapagos trip is becoming more a reality and I'm getting so excited. I can't wait to pet the turtles and iguanas! Also, I found out who my room-mate is and is in some of my classes already because we are the same major, cool!
I didn't get my gym membership Sunday, but I am going in roughly an hour to finally go get it! It's so expensive at the YMCA but it's the only gym around within a 20 mile radius! It's ~100 for registration then ~35 per month. Ugh, the registration can go lick a window.
I have an English presentation tommorow at 10 on Islamic Extremism. Shouldn't be too bad, I don't mind talking about topics I am familiar with. I just get nervous when I have to pull things out of my ass. There is also another presentation on Friday for IST. Group presentation, so I'm not worried.
So with that being said, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Greatjob on your test and hope the gym is going well by now!
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