The quest to find myself mentally, physically and spiritually.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 9, 2008

It's day two of my Weight Watchers restart and things are going well so far.

I got my math exam back today, 92.5%! Woo.

I decided that I will be taking a math class over the summer to finally get math over and done with and the schedule is like this for it:
Monday/Wed/Thurs - 5:30-7:20

Ugh, I really don't want to go to school over the summer but I need to get it done with.

The Galapagos trip is becoming more a reality and I'm getting so excited. I can't wait to pet the turtles and iguanas! Also, I found out who my room-mate is and is in some of my classes already because we are the same major, cool!

I didn't get my gym membership Sunday, but I am going in roughly an hour to finally go get it! It's so expensive at the YMCA but it's the only gym around within a 20 mile radius! It's ~100 for registration then ~35 per month. Ugh, the registration can go lick a window.

I have an English presentation tommorow at 10 on Islamic Extremism. Shouldn't be too bad, I don't mind talking about topics I am familiar with. I just get nervous when I have to pull things out of my ass. There is also another presentation on Friday for IST. Group presentation, so I'm not worried.

So with that being said, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!


At December 11, 2008 at 7:58 PM , Blogger Karla said...

Greatjob on your test and hope the gym is going well by now!


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