Ok, so as you guys know I have switched back to Weight Watchers. I'm kind of doing a whole calorie counting/WW thing because I looove the Cron-o-meter, but that's besides the point. I feel really good today. I ate what I wanted and most of it was healthy, and I am happy that I can have anything, really. I feel that a plan like this is something that is doable and it will work for me. I mean, I've already lost 30 lb. doing it!
School stress is simmering down, though I have two finals next week and a presentation this Friday. Research paper due Friday. My English presentation was decent, I didn't really mess up or anything but I probably presented myself as being very nervous and high strung. Whatever. Friday's presentation is a group presentation and I don't think that will stress me out too much.
I'm going to the gym tomorrow for a spinning class! Oh man. I'm going to have such a luscious butt. Haha.
Spinning was AMAZING! Had a great time. The instructor was extremely encouraging and the music was great. A mix of 80's and newer hip hop. Definitely my forte!
So glad all is going well on the eating front!
Have fun at spinning class~
I really need to get my ass back to the gym.....next week....I have been so busy!
School sure is keeping you busy.
So spinning=luscious butt,
not spinning=dizzy?
Glad the work out went well.
How much more do you want to lose?
School is alonst done, just two more finals next week!
I am currently roughly 210 from 240 my highest. I'm 6 feet tall. I am thinking maybe another 30 lb at the most.
Glad you enjoyed spinning class...sounds like fun! The music makes all the diff!
Thanks for telling me about the comments being disabled. I checked and the thingy said they weren't.
Wonder whats up with that?
I think your right on with what you want to weigh.
Good luck
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