The quest to find myself mentally, physically and spiritually.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Software

Just trying out some new software I got for Mac. It’s called MacJournal and it’s basically a journal you can publish to a blog site and what not. Seems interesting so far.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe holidays! :)
Oh, and if you feel like you are down in the dumps, I'm almost certain this will lift your spirits.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Nope, I haven't fallen off the side of the world. I'm enjoying myself on my break and life is good at the moment.

Recommitting as soon as possible :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


If anyone read the post that was posted here before I just deleted it, I want to apologize. I thought I was giving up and I simply can't do that.

I am determined even more than ever to overcome this obstacle and nothing is going to stand in my way!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Biggest Loser

Holy inspiration. I wanted to go back to the gym after I just got done with spinning. They all look amazing. Brady is SMOKIN'. I want me a piece of that :X

December 16, 2008

Today has been a pretty okay day. I ate well, I think. I went to work and still got to sleep in, so that's a good thing.

I got three official grades so far this semester - A, A-, and a B+. I'm pretty happy so far, the B was in math and I usually struggle in math.

I went to spinning class today and was fun just like the last time. The instructor today let out some howling Xena warrior princess sounds, it was hilarious.

I really need to plan snacks before working out! After I worked out, I ate so much, even though it was mostly healthy (salad, green beans, a hot sausage without the bun)

I didn't count today. I'm not sure why. I should be well within my range though. Spinning burns 400-600 calories per session!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

100 posts!

Woo, today marks my 100 post mark here on Blogger. I waited to post until I had a positive day so I could be happy, haha.

I was such a binge monster over the weekend. *Note to self - No free-for-all days for a reward. Yeah, I had pizza friday. I ate.. 3/4 of it and an order of bread sticks over the course of two days. Ugh..

I just got back from taking my math final and am almost certain I got a high B or low A. I'm really happy with that!

So, I am going to start posting my menus daily with the point values and whatnot. It's the only way I can keep myself in check!

1/2 cup organic vanilla yogurt - 2
1 cup of blueberries - 1
1 tbsp ground flax seed - 0
2 cups of green tea - 0
1 tbsp agave nectar - 1
Total: 4 points

French roll - 4
2 extremely thin slices of salami - 1
1 slice of Farmer's cheese - 2
1 banana - 1
1 tsp olive oil - 1
Total: 9 points

I made an panini out of this. I cut the french roll in half, flipped it so the soft inside was on the outside, brushed with olive oil, toppings in the middle, and flattened it with another pan. Yum!

Slice of Sourdough bread - 3
Total: 3 points

I do get 35 points daily. I'm sorry that I couldn't do the other eating lifestyles long term like some of you guys. This is the only plan I feel I could stick to for the rest of my life.

Did you know that one tablespoon of ground flax seed has 100% of daily omega-3 fatty acid recommendation? All in around 40 calories!

I went to the gym today and did 20 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of strength.
The rest will be updated when it gets time to eating.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Ok, so as you guys know I have switched back to Weight Watchers. I'm kind of doing a whole calorie counting/WW thing because I looove the Cron-o-meter, but that's besides the point. I feel really good today. I ate what I wanted and most of it was healthy, and I am happy that I can have anything, really. I feel that a plan like this is something that is doable and it will work for me. I mean, I've already lost 30 lb. doing it!

School stress is simmering down, though I have two finals next week and a presentation this Friday. Research paper due Friday. My English presentation was decent, I didn't really mess up or anything but I probably presented myself as being very nervous and high strung. Whatever. Friday's presentation is a group presentation and I don't think that will stress me out too much.

I'm going to the gym tomorrow for a spinning class! Oh man. I'm going to have such a luscious butt. Haha.


Spinning was AMAZING! Had a great time. The instructor was extremely encouraging and the music was great. A mix of 80's and newer hip hop. Definitely my forte!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 9, 2008

It's day two of my Weight Watchers restart and things are going well so far.

I got my math exam back today, 92.5%! Woo.

I decided that I will be taking a math class over the summer to finally get math over and done with and the schedule is like this for it:
Monday/Wed/Thurs - 5:30-7:20

Ugh, I really don't want to go to school over the summer but I need to get it done with.

The Galapagos trip is becoming more a reality and I'm getting so excited. I can't wait to pet the turtles and iguanas! Also, I found out who my room-mate is and is in some of my classes already because we are the same major, cool!

I didn't get my gym membership Sunday, but I am going in roughly an hour to finally go get it! It's so expensive at the YMCA but it's the only gym around within a 20 mile radius! It's ~100 for registration then ~35 per month. Ugh, the registration can go lick a window.

I have an English presentation tommorow at 10 on Islamic Extremism. Shouldn't be too bad, I don't mind talking about topics I am familiar with. I just get nervous when I have to pull things out of my ass. There is also another presentation on Friday for IST. Group presentation, so I'm not worried.

So with that being said, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I've decided I'm going back to Weight Watchers. I will be eating my 35 points daily and 35 flex. I'm going to incorporate the daily guidelines that I didn't utilize the last time I was on WW and think this contributed to my getting off track. I will be emphasizing on healthy foods.I used to eat whatever the hell I wanted, and basically through calorie counting only I lost the first 25 pounds. I think my problem is trying to just cut things all together. I don't like being told no :(

5 servings fruit/veg a day
2 servings of healthy oil
at least 6 servings of water

I am hoping this will reignite the flame under my fat ass and get to work.

Have a good day :)


I found another sprig of inspiration today. I was watching videos on YouTube and the effects of sugar on the blood stream. I also couldn't believe how much sugar is in the average diet. Almost 80 grams! Oh man.

I had a bad day, tomorrow will be better.

Have a great day!

Friday, December 5, 2008

mon jour

Well, not much to post today.

Good news: I just saved a bunch of money by switching to Gieco.

Just kidding. I'm joining the gym Sunday, though.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The funk that doesn't blow over.

Ugh. Does anyone else get into these weird phases where it feels like no matter what you do you can't get anything accomplished? My two things are:
1. Food
2. School

I've been the same weight since June. I blame myself for obviously going off plan weeks at a time and expecting to see some loss. I mean, it just doesn't happen that way.

School. I started college this year, and though I like it better, I just don't feel like I used to when it comes to school work. In high school, I was always so meticulous and ambitious making sure I had all of my homework done, studied a lot, etc. Now it just seems like I am trying to get things done just to get them over with. It actually upsets me because I feel like I'm not putting forth effort to my major. This is also quite contradicting because I am only taking one class of my major and the rest are core classes. Oh, and I can't take French next semester. I'm quite pissed. My school is a branch from a main campus and even though it has the name 'Penn State University' it still has maybe 1,000 students at that. The main campus, however, has 30,000+. So with that being said, there isn't enough interest in French and I can't further my language-learning skills. UGH. I am thinking of maybe taking Spanish and try the whole semi-trilingual thing. I'm not sure how that would work out. I'm ranting terribly. Je voudrais mon joie de vivre -- I want my joy of living.

Sorry for being a winy and complaining bitch.

December 3, 2008

Let's face it. I can't be a vegan. I'm okay with that. I can't say I didn't try. I have every intention to become healthy and quite frankly, dairy products can't be that terrible. I will be eating organic dairy products to reduce the amount of hormones I am getting.

I read an article saying that humans are the only mammal to drink the milk of another animal. Well yeah, that may be true. However, we are also the only mammal that can create new technology, travel to the moon and fight for our rights. I guess that doesn't really make me a 'normal' mammal after all. I'm going to have milk and I'm going to enjoy it.

So, from that, my lifestyle will be as follows: caloring counting while making the best choices I can. I will indulge, and that's fine. I won't beat myself up after I feel like I did a bad job. I will move on, stay strong, and ultimately accomplish my goal.


Oh and by the way, I got 38 grams of fiber yesterday, lol. I've been a poop machine. TMI, I know.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I can't stop thinking about milk. and yogurt. and cheese.

I had 3 mint truffle hershey kisses.

They are satan.

I fail :( Epic.

I did stay in my calorie range. I was recommended this program called Cron-o-meter. Oh man, so easy to use and fun to use!

December 2, 2008

Hey everyone. I am doing okay so far today but really missing some things. I had lots of fruit and veggies today but I totally miss the cheese on my greek salad. I also had veggie shreds faux cheese.. terrible. I don't think I'm meant to do this lol but I will keep at it and try.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 1

Everything is going good so far today. I've had about 4 pieces of fruit, 3 servings of veggies, veggie chili, and am going to have rice and beans for dinner.

Oh, and the rice milk. It taste's like flour. Liquid flour in your mouth.

Will I drink it? Yeah. Will I buy it again, probably not.

Lol, have a great day!